6 Methods Coca-Cola Implements Generative AI For Promotion And Branding,

How Coca-Cola Leveraged AI in Their 2023 Advertising

Coca-Cola skillfully utilized generative AI technology developed by OpenAI and Stable Diffusion to curate innovative advertising strategies.

The AI Chatbot Campaign

Coca-Cola launched an AI chatbot via an Instagram newsfeed ad that connected users to local restaurants in their city.

Partnership with Bain & Company

Early in 2023, Bain & Company announced a collaboration with OpenAI to provide advanced technology to companies like Coca-Cola.

Real Magic Holiday App

For the festive season, Coca-Cola took it a notch higher by allowing users to create AI-generated Christmas cards

The Create Real Magic Contest

Upon announcing its collaboration with OpenAI, Coca-Cola invited artists to participate in the Create Real Magic contest.